Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 17. October 2024, 05:48 by Neokart)

Hi everyone, here is my new puzzle. This puzzle is inspired by the unique shape of the packaging of the album "Artaud", by Pescado Rabioso (project by Luis Alberto Spinetta). One of my favorite albums.
The use of Diagonal Kropki dots is inspired by the Phistomefel's puzzle: Fare thee well, Miss Carousel. Here I also used the same logic for the black dots. I hope you like it.


1. Normal sudoku rules apply. Each row, column and 3x3 box contains each digit from 1 to 9 exactly once.
2. German Whispers: Along a green line, adjacent digits differ by at least 5.
3. Diagonal White Dots: A white dot in the centre of a 2x2 square indicates that the two digits in its positive diagonal have the same difference as the two digits in its negative diagonal. This difference is not necessarily the same for different white dots.
4. Diagonal Black Dots: A black dot in the centre of a 2x2 square indicates that the two digits in its positive diagonal have the same ratio as the two digits in its negative diagonal. This ratio is not necessarily the same for different black dots.
5. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Note: For the avoidance of doubt, all of the following are valid fills for their respective diagonal dot.

This puzzle uses a background image, but a Cosmetic Lite version is also available.
Note 2: In the version with the background image, notice that r2c1 only connects to r2c2 and never connects to r3c2. It is r2c2 that connects to r2c3, r2c1 and r3c2.

Solve on SudokuPad

Solve on SudokuPad (Cosmetic Lite Version)

Have fun solving!

Solution code: Column 5

Last changed on on 19. October 2024, 23:02

Solved by Bjd, jalebc, SincereEngineer, lmdemasi, gxorgx, SKORP17
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on 19. October 2024, 23:02 by Neokart
Note 2

Last changed on 19. October 2024, 22:53

on 18. October 2024, 11:29 by wilsig
The green line enters 29 cells which seems to clash with the German-whisper rule

- - - -
Yes, it goes through 29 cells, but r2c1 only connects to r2c2 and never connects to r3c2. It is r2c2 that connects to r2c3, r2c1 and r3c2. If what I'm saying is still not clear, check out the Cosmetic Lite version.

Solved:6 times
Observed:6 times

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