Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Colours in the (k)night II

(Published on 15. October 2024, 18:53 by Villse)

Links to the previous parts of the series

Colours in the (k)night

Second part of my colour in the (k)night series, hope you enjoy


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and 3x3 box.

Palindromes: Digits along a grey line must read the same way forwards and backwards.

Anti Knight: Cells separated by a knights move in chess can not contain the same digit.

Quadruple: Digits in the white circels must appear in the four surrounding cells.

Solve online:Sudokupad

Solution code: Row 4 (9 digits)

Last changed on on 16. October 2024, 15:54

Solved by SKORP17, Zandi, apendleton, jalebc, cornish-john, GrumpyMan, japanoise_breakfast, forsen, tiredsudoku, cmigas, Bjd, hrhgln, agueybana, Stargazing Albatross, arteful, terrible_casserole, BlackWolf, ... Isfan, teddiemercury, Corey115, schlathubali, ikaikaw, michalil, Novisnage, evan0822, SocratesRanz, W1n5t0n, snoswal, Schesam, wang, mcc, belnovic, asver, Frank Puzzles, Dharmabum, Ecem1903
Full list


on 29. October 2024, 17:20 by snuuba
Tough but rewarding. Harder than the previous one in the series for me.

on 17. October 2024, 06:30 by Fisherman
Another great puzzle from the new kid on the block.

on 16. October 2024, 15:54 by Villse
Added link to previous parts of the series

Rating:92 %
Solved:124 times
Observed:5 times

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