Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

[SSL][S1T1]#11 Quadriclonie

(Published on 13. October 2024, 18:52 by Emphyrio)

Link:Sudokupad app link


  • -Standard sudoku rules:place the digits 1 to 9 exactly once in every row, column and 3*3 box
  • -Clone Lines : for each grey line, there is at least one other grey line that contains the exact same numbers in the exact same order.

Part of the Sudoku Skunkwork League, for round 1. The line layout was given and we were allowed to define line rules, add external clues, global constraints, givens but not to include any other variant clue inside the grid

Hope you'll have fun solving this ;).

Solution code: Row 5

Last changed on -

Solved by SKORP17, damasosos92, Piatato, itsid, seh_bas, weiken
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on 13. October 2024, 23:44 by Piatato
Great, classy puzzle!

on 13. October 2024, 23:43 by damasosos92
Thanks for joining the league and setting this very good puzzle!

Solved:6 times
Observed:4 times

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