This puzzle used an interaction between split pea with renban and arrow. This time the split pea line stands alone without any combination with other constraints.
1. Normal sudoku rules apply.
2. The sum of the values of cells on green lines connecting two circles is equal to a concatenation of the two values in the circles, in some order (e.g. 3_346_1 is valid, as 3+4+6=13).
3. Digits on a purple line must form a consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.
4. Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit on that arrow's circle.
Do have a go!
Link: CTC
Solution code: Row 7
on 17. January 2025, 05:02 by Frank Puzzles
Here's my solve of your puzzle. Loved the interaction of the split-pea lines in column 3 and 4!
on 24. December 2024, 13:43 by abadx
Wonderful pea logic between box 1 and 7. Great setting
on 17. October 2024, 22:30 by SamuPiano
Very nice! There was one step in the middle that was fairly challenging, so I'm rating 3* for difficulty. I love that you're continuing to use these split pea lines!