Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and 3x3 box.
Palindromes: Digits along a grey line must read the same way forwards and backwards.
Anti Knight: Cells separated by a knights move in chess can not contain the same digit.
Quadruple: Digits in the white circels must appear in the four surrounding cells.
Kropki dots: Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given.
Solve online:Sudokupad
Solution code: Row 1 (9 digits)
on 22. January 2025, 14:20 by mixus minimax
I often struggle with 2 star puzzles, yet this one I didn't find that hard! You just start colouring. And think about what numbers each colour could be. But it was still a challenge! Really enjoyable.
on 8. December 2024, 13:24 by Inge
Second time 42 minutes
on 7. December 2024, 20:20 by Inge
Oh my god…. This was hard but funny
I needed full concentration
on 23. November 2024, 23:11 by Zerobrain
That's a colorful one and fun.
on 16. November 2024, 03:48 by alexlovi
This puzzle took me about a week to solve. I had to start it multiple times and try different strategies... I really loved it!
on 29. October 2024, 11:07 by Joozd
Took me 277 minutes, but I got it! I feel very happy now
on 28. October 2024, 21:05 by snuuba
Wonderful coloring exercise.
on 23. October 2024, 15:51 by tinkerer_2
Loved it! Challenging and fun.
on 13. October 2024, 22:00 by CaptRob
Very fun puzzle. Beautiful logic to get out of some situations. Thanks a lot
on 13. October 2024, 13:28 by itsid
very beautiful puzzle to solve, thank you very much
on 13. October 2024, 13:16 by nunc
Loved it! Coloring Puzzles are my favorite. Thank you very much for sharing.
on 13. October 2024, 04:51 by sdholmes
Very fun puzzle, with some satisfying deductions to help get unstuck during the midsolve. Thanks!
on 12. October 2024, 21:19 by jadezki
All my favourite rulesets in one puzzle and they interacted beautifully, easy and super fun, thank you!!