Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 11. October 2024, 12:30 by Jolly Rogers)

This puzzle was designed to be a smaller warm-up puzzle for a harder 9x9 version, coming soon.


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • All cells in the grid are either part of a Galaxy or a Killer cage, never both. Cells containing a corner clue must belong to a killer cage.
  • Killer Cages: A killer cage is a group of orthogonally connected cells with no repeating digits. Killer cages containing a corner clue must sum to that number. Not all killer cages have a given sum clue.
  • Cage sizes must be unique, e.g no two killer cages can contain the same number of cells. And different killer cages must not share an orthogonal edge.
  • Galaxies: Divide the grid into non-overlapping groups of orthogonally connected cells. Each group contains a red diamond and is 180° rotationally symmetric around the diamond.
  • Rotational Differences: Within a Galaxy, cells rotated 180° from each other must differ in value by the digit in their red diamond.


Play on SudokuPad

Here is an example image for how the rotational difference can work within a galaxy:

Hope you enjoy.

Solution code: Row 1, only the digits which are in galaxies (left to right)

Solved by thrutch, Papaya, jkuo7, marcmees, Zandi, Chefofdeath, wdaley1, anonymoose, LehanLehan, yttrio, TheHiveMind, Twan2797, zrbakhtiar, Spider, renegade_duck, Montikulum
Full list


Last changed on 13. October 2024, 18:12

on 11. October 2024, 18:55 by Chefofdeath
Very nice ruleset! Can’t wait for the 9x9 version to drop :)

- Thanks! The 9x9 version is now live :) https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000K8B

Last changed on 11. October 2024, 15:04

on 11. October 2024, 14:15 by Yoica
Do the numbers inside the diamond have any use?

- It's the last rule: Rotational difference, where within a galaxy digits rotated 180 degrees from each other must differ in value by the number in their diamond :)

Rating:93 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:5 times

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