Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Modular Mid-Loop

(Published on 5. October 2024, 01:48 by yttrio)

This puzzle uses a slight variation of the rules for the puzzle ⟊ Mid-Loop ⟊ by ElChiglia.

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of 2:1. Not all possible dots are necessarily given.

Mid Loop: Draw a single 1-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells into the grid that does not branch or enter any cell more than once. The loop must pass through all given dots, and all given dots must be in the middle of a straight loop segment (i.e., the distance from a dot to the next turn along the loop must be identical in both directions).

The loop acts as a modular line. Each set of three adjacent digits along the loop must be one each from the sets [147], [258], and [369].


Solution code: Digits on the loop in row 7 (left to right) followed by digits on the loop in column 5 (top to bottom)

Solved by Calesch, Kallor, han233ing, Bootenks, sedici, redgecko, gdc, LehanLehan, Snookerfan, Vodakhan , Phistomefel, gxorgx, Voidslime, Glasgow, smckinley, sorryimLate, hui, nighthawkranger, waffles_the_dog, Tompzini, lianarox, agueybana, wuc, Nordy, bansalsaab, RiGri, dogfarts, salsais, misko, petecavcc, Frank Puzzles, SudokuHero, Kawkaz, Calvinball
Full list


on 4. February 2025, 03:12 by Frank Puzzles

Here's my solve of your puzzle. It was fun, particularly learning the kropki dot constraining the loop ruleset!

on 17. October 2024, 05:01 by Nordy
Wow, that was incredible!! An unbelievable density of logic given the sparseness of clues

on 15. October 2024, 15:49 by wuc
Took me longer than usual on 3 stars. More like 3.5 or 4 stars to me. But great setting once more thx.

on 7. October 2024, 05:27 by waffles_the_dog
The break in was pretty clear, and then a little challenging, all to a final collapse/disambiguation was super clean and nice :D

on 5. October 2024, 13:21 by gdc
Very fun and unexpected solve path in this one. Thanks for that!

Rating:94 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:4 times

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