Physics 101 - Hailstorm
(Published on 1. October 2024, 00:36 by 99%Sneaky)
This is the
very first Sudoku puzzle I set, I hope you like it :)
#1 Normal sudoku rules apply.
#2 Normal thermometer rules apply: Along thermometers digits must strictly increase from the bulb end.
Hailstorm: Each blue square represents a hail chunk. All chunks fall straight down in the column in which they appear (re: they do not move into other columns) and reach row 9 after a whole number of seconds. The digits in the first cell below and to the right of a chunk give the speed (in blocks per second) at which it falls and time (in seconds) it will continute falling before reaching row 9. These two digits may appear in either order.
For example a chunk appearing in R8C3 would cause both R8C4 and R9C3 to contain the digit 1. This would mean that the chunk would move downward for 1 second at 1 block per second and successfully reach row 9 after a whole number of seconds had passed.
Play on SudokuPad/CTC App
Play on f-puzzles
Solution code: Column 7
Last changed on on 1. October 2024, 16:02
Solved by arteful, Jowser, imagle, tiredsudoku, running_fatty, Mr. Happy, HazelTheColor, Zedarflight , jcg5a, SKORP17, ole-1995a, stonetim, hanslovsky, abadx, Flugsvamp, jgarber, Drawoon, rcg, permafrostyx, ... Myreque, MorsBe, HKtrying2, Kiwo, sahi1l, mogest, Matthew Humphrey, zygeist, ringel, Ahrun, naggy, robbaker292, Mazejica, zimmicks, Zarlino, TagEule, faltenin, qalkx, QuiltyAsCharged, spirozh
on 15. October 2024, 17:28 by zimmicks
Neat rule, thanks!
Last changed on 7. October 2024, 22:25on 7. October 2024, 17:48 by maiaz
Very easy but a fun twist!
Thanks! Get ready for Physics 201 :D
on 2. October 2024, 18:21 by permafrostyx
yay haily
on 2. October 2024, 16:59 by VitP
spoiler alert:
d = v * t
on 2. October 2024, 07:47 by abadx
Very easy puzzle once rules are properly understood
on 2. October 2024, 01:56 by hanslovsky
It took me a while to wrap my head around the hail rule but then it was a fun solve! I rate this a 1/5 difficulty once you have an intuition for the rule
on 1. October 2024, 16:02 by 99%Sneaky
Rules correction.