Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Between a Relative and a Stranger

(Published on 30. September 2024, 00:47 by Elytron)

This is my submission to Scojo's setting prompt this week, where the goal was to make a puzzle build up a snake/loop where the puzzle has a maximum of 10 clues on the grid.

Solve with SudokuPad.


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.

  • Draw a one-cell-wide snake of orthogonally connected cells. The snake may touch itself diagonally but not orthogonally and must visit all boxes exactly once.

  • A digit on the snake, that is not an endpoint, is coprime to exactly one of its snake-neighbours, meaning their greatest common factor is 1.

  • The two endpoints of the path contain the same digit, and exactly one of them has a coprime snake-neighbour.

  • Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits AND are not on the snake.

  • Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits can repeat along the diagonal if allowed by other rules.

Solution code: The left-most snake-digit of each row from top to bottom, where 0 denotes there is no snake-cell.

Last changed on on 30. September 2024, 12:56

Solved by Piff, lmdemasi, Prof.Dori, OldManJoe9, Gnubeutel, roflsalot, karlmortenlunna, Sotehr
Full list


on 30. September 2024, 12:56 by Elytron
Made the rules more consistent.

on 30. September 2024, 12:52 by lmdemasi
Lovely construction, and several very satisfying "aha" moments.

on 30. September 2024, 08:15 by Elytron
Slightly changed the wording of the rules again

on 30. September 2024, 02:12 by Elytron
Changed the wording of the rules

Solved:8 times
Observed:4 times

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