Samurai sudoku rules apply: normal sudoku rules apply for each 9x9 grid, boxes shared between grids conform to both grids' sudoku.
Origami rules:
Fold the grid in such a way that both sides are 9x9 grids and both show a closed green loop. (A first fold is marked with a yellow diagonal)
- Normal sudoku rules apply on the resulting 9x9 grids as well.
- Cells folded in half to make cells of the folded grids must have the same digit when unfolded.
- Each shaded box must completely overlap each other.
- Grey cells that match when overlapped have the same digit.
- (Note: On a printed copy, solver may have to cut a slit on the edge of one of the corner shaded boxes to see the loop properly.)
Shaded boxes are magic squares: their 3-cell rows, columns and diagonals have the same sum.
Digits joined by a red dot are in 1:3 ratio and digits joined by a white dot are consecutive. Not all possible dots are given. Half dots that show up on a folded grid also apply.
There are three green loops, one is shown already closed and the other two close on the folded grids. Each loop satisfies a different rule out of the following:
Adjacent digits along the line must have a difference of at least 5.
- Box borders split the line into segments with the same sum.
- Every three consecutive cells along the line must have one digit from each of the sets {123}, {456}, and {789}.
Online in Sudokupad
***Spoiler alert***
Here are some auxiliary grids for one wreath and for the other wreath.