Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Galactic Census 2

(Published on 18. November 2024, 16:00 by Blobz)

Image generated with Hotpot AI Art Generator

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Divide the grid into galaxies: orthogonally connected groups of cells that have 180 degree rotational symmetry about their centers (marked with a small dot). All cells must be part of a galaxy; no galaxies overlap.

Grey dots mark "renban" galaxies: those with two or more cells, whose digits form an unbroken consecutive sequence in any order. White dots mark galaxies whose digits do NOT form a consecutive sequence. Digits may not repeat within a galaxy.

There is one "dark star" (a single cell galaxy) that is not marked.

As per Galactic Map Standards: All galaxies with at least TWO cells indicate their SMALLEST digit with a diamond icon. All galaxies with at least SIX cells indicate their LARGEST digit with a circle icon.

The Galactic Census requires that all galaxies with at least THREE cells must report their star system count (sum of digits in the galaxy).

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

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Galactic Map Puzzle Series

Solution code: Row 7

Last changed on -

Solved by Gilliatt, TripleABattery, kroutu, mutex, pookster, Piff, Mr_tn, makimaki, wdaley1, gdc, MaxSmartable, aerenhart, mcc, trashghost, Glasgow, MontanaPearl, valle1124, zrbakhtiar, koba1917, Paletron, ... sorryimLate, SKORP17, MattJones, madhupt, uhu170, KyleBaran, miccul, trazere, Yaqoobik, Illuminated, Druselbert, OGRussHood, oskode, Llamaths, cbossut, QuiltyAsCharged, Uhu, THef of Time, NEWS
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on 2. January 2025, 23:01 by MattJones
Absolutely loved this - my first successful galaxy puzzle. I’ll definitely be back for more! Thank you!

on 20. November 2024, 18:13 by wuc
Great addition to the awesome galaxy concept. Looking forward for more. Thx.

on 19. November 2024, 10:11 by aerenhart
I love galaxy puzzles! Thank you very much for the setting.

on 18. November 2024, 20:32 by pookster
Fun as always! Thanks, Blobz!

Rating:96 %
Solved:76 times
Observed:6 times

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