Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Little Killer Counting (7 x 7)

(Published on 23. September 2024, 11:17 by sujoyku)

Recently, there has been a Scojo prompt to set a puzzle using the little killer constraint. I thought it would be interesting to have a constraint that is similar to Counting Circles, but counts diagonals instead of actual digits. I discussed the idea with Marty Sears (marty_sears) who then set a 6x6 version of the variant:

Little Killer Counting (6 x 6)

My puzzle is a follow-up to Marty’s in an irregular 7x7 grid. I like to thank him for the nice discussions and for testing the puzzle. As always, your comments are highly appreciated. I wish you joyful solving!

- Normal irregular 7x7 Sudoku rules apply, i.e. each row, column and region has to contain the digits from 1 to 7 once each.

- Counting Little Killers: Digits along a marked diagonal sum to the clue outside the grid, if one is given. (If there is no conflict with other rules, digits on such a diagonal may repeat.) Moreover, any digit along a little killer diagonal indicates exactly how many little killers contain that digit.

Example: If a little killer diagonal has a 3, there are exactly three little killer diagonals containing at least one 3. Note: This does not necessarily imply that there are exactly three 3s on little killer diagonals.

Here you can solve the puzzle online:

Solve on CtC

Solution code: Row 4 from left to right (7 digits in total)

Solved by Megalobrainiac, marty_sears, Piff, sorryimLate, marcmees, mathpesto, Elker, SKORP17, Franjo, arteful, andreiz, MapleAmber, Snookerfan, NeroChaos, cheli, DarrenBurnett, palpot, gotem, olliwright, ... br3akingp01nt, Scojo, gdc, Shmartus, Findict, Feren, Madoka42, Stargazing Albatross, Lenivaya_Joppa, juhish, zrbakhtiar, jinkela114514, OJPS, Uhu, ManuH, widjo, timww572, vmirandaa, Jensa, cbossut
Full list


Last changed on 3. January 2025, 13:07

on 3. January 2025, 12:08 by Jensa

Thank you for your comment, Jensa! I am glad you enjoyed the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 14. October 2024, 18:50

on 14. October 2024, 17:53 by juhish
Thank you, this was fun! For me this was easier than the 6x6 (38 min vs 25 min), maybe because I did these back-to-back so I got enough practice with that one first :D

Thank you for your comment, juhish! I think the 6x6 and this one are similar in difficulty, so maybe it was indeed having the prior 6x6 practice which made this one look easier. Anyhow, I am glad that you liked this variant.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 13. October 2024, 21:08

on 12. October 2024, 19:53 by Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this nice puzzle, dear sujoyku! :)

You are much welcome, Lenivaya_Joppa, thank you for commenting!
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 23. September 2024, 15:43

on 23. September 2024, 15:35 by Elker
What a fun rule set. Keep them coming. Thanks

Thank you for your encouraging comment, Elker! Marty and I already had discussed to make a little series with this variant. Let's see how we get along with larger grids.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 23. September 2024, 15:15

on 23. September 2024, 15:02 by mathpesto
Very cool!

Thank you for commenting, mathpesto!
I am glad you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

on 23. September 2024, 12:55 by marty_sears
A really smooth and fun follow-up to the 6 x 6. A little bit harder by just the right amount... very nice ending too

Last changed on 23. September 2024, 12:00

on 23. September 2024, 11:54 by sorryimLate
Fantastic fun! Easy, but consistent level of difficulty through the solve. Thanks!

Thank you for your comment, sorryimLate! It is great to hear you had a fun solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 23. September 2024, 11:59

on 23. September 2024, 11:38 by marty_sears
A really smooth and fun follow-up to the 6 x 6. A little bit harder by just the right amount... very nice ending too

Thank you for the comment and all your help, Marty! I agree that it is a nudge harder, but should still be in the 2 stars range. I am glad that you liked the puzzle and enjoyed its ending.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Rating:98 %
Solved:40 times
Observed:5 times

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