Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Slip Slidin' Away

(Published on 18. September 2024, 00:20 by Scojo)

  • Deconstruction Sudoku: Fill the grid with 9 non-overlapping 3x3 square regions that contain the digits 1-9 once each. Numbers that are inside of a region are considered normal sudoku digits. Normal sudoku digits cannot repeat in a row, column, or region. Numbers that are outside of a region are Ice Walk clues, and do not interfere with normal sudoku digits regarding repeated digits in rows or columns.
  • Ice Walk: Draw a single closed loop through the centers of some cells. The loop may move orthogonally, but not diagonally. Cells inside of regions are icy, and cells outside of regions are non-icy. Two perpendicular line segments may intersect each other only on icy cells, but they may not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. The loop may not turn on icy cells. The loop must pass through every number clue in the non-icy cells, which indicates how many cells make up the continuous non-icy segment of the loop that the clue is on.
  • Region Sum Loop: Region borders divide the loop into segments. Every segment that is within any of the regions has the same sum. If two segments intersect within a region, they are still counted as two distinct sums.
  • All loop cells in non-icy cells should be filled with the length of their segment to trigger answer check.

Solve in SudokuPad

Solution code: All sudoku digits in the lowest row that contains regions

Solved by Chefofdeath, Piff, bernhard, redgecko, Gnubeutel, wazdra, Nell Gwyn, karlmortenlunna, someguy209, dogfarts, aqjhs
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Rating:93 %
Solved:11 times
Observed:5 times

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