Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Nerdy Wordy Book Club

(Published on 27. September 2024, 05:00 by SkepticalMario)

Nerdy Wordy Book Club by Skeptical Mario

I made this puzzle to honor one of my favorite podcasts! All inside jokes have been removed from the rules, but you can find a version with those references at the end of the page.


Normal sudoku rules - Enter a digit from 1-9 in each cell without repeating in a row, column, or box.

Yin-Yang - Shade some cells such that the shaded cells and the unshaded cells each form a single orthogonally-connected region. No 2x2 area can be completely shaded or unshaded.

Killer cages - Digits in a cage cannot repeat, and the digits in unshaded cells in a cage sum to the number in the top left corner. (Digits in shaded cells are ignored.)

Thermometers - Digits in shaded cells on a gray thermometer line strictly increase from the bulb end to the tip. (Digits in unshaded cells are ignored.)

Play the puzzle on Sudokupad

I hope you enjoy the puzzle! :-) Click here for version with flavorful rules.

Solution code: Box 8

Last changed on -

Solved by lmdemasi, SKORP17, arteful, MattYDdraig, jkuo7, Snookerfan
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on 27. September 2024, 23:49 by MattYDdraig
This was a "Wow!" puzzle. A constant drip feed of information, reluctantly trying to hold in to its secrets while simultaneously beckoning the solver on to its completion.

on 27. September 2024, 15:30 by lmdemasi
Very fun and intricate use of the yin-yang rules.

Solved:6 times
Observed:4 times

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