Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Coloring Book #1: Meet in the Middle

(Published on 16. September 2024, 14:53 by blackjackfitz)

Meet in the Middle

This was set for Scojo's imposter challenge. This was my imposter puzzle which I set in the style of I Love Sleeping (not on LMD). I hope that you enjoy it.

Check out all the puzzles in my coloring book series.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits in a cage sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.
  • Digits on a line must be read the same in both ways. Every line is a two cell line that does not branch or turn.
  • Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 23. September 2024, 17:16

Solved by Jana, keenbowl, jalebc, lmdemasi, palpot, lune, SKORP17, Scojo, arteful, seeppp, sgerstenberger, sahi1l, Ragna, Corey115, Silverscree, sedici, tiredsudoku, eripsa, NEWS, EFlatMinor, dmgciubotaru, ... SincereEngineer, brimmy, juxquiz, Ssolves, cbjenkins, lovely, Maroet, OJPS, tyfus, koiking, mcc, St9, misko, ignigomoreno, asver, hajuyi, paranoid, utsavb, erkiraak, TroublesomeOrca, zonny, k2u5as
Full list


on 8. December 2024, 02:20 by Frank Puzzles

Here's my solve to your puzzle. I forgot to plug in my mike, so the audio is pretty soft.

I love your coloring books! Looking forward to more of them!

on 3. November 2024, 09:51 by faltenin
Very nice! Took a minute to realize X as in X-wing... :-)

on 8. October 2024, 16:40 by Platinum
Loved it thanks

on 4. October 2024, 11:46 by snuuba
Very,very nice. This one my favourite of the series. Thanks you so much for sharing.

Last changed on 3. October 2024, 21:23

on 3. October 2024, 21:21 by nunc
So much fun, one of my favourite puzzles ever. I needed some time to get to the main train of thouhgt, and then it started to rock!
Loved it a lot, thank you.

on 29. September 2024, 16:35 by Inge
Very nice puzzle

on 25. September 2024, 23:07 by chain.reader
Loved it, Thanks.

on 19. September 2024, 11:49 by botteur
Really fun solve. Thanks

on 17. September 2024, 19:24 by wilsig

on 16. September 2024, 23:01 by Ragna
Wonderful construction! Loved it. Thank you. :-)

on 16. September 2024, 19:59 by sahi1l
I had to use letters, and ended up having two possible assignments for all the letters which was only settled by the 13 cage in the upper-right corner. Crazy!

on 16. September 2024, 15:50 by keenbowl
Loved it, thanks for setting&sharing!

Rating:97 %
Solved:185 times
Observed:6 times

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