Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 16. September 2024, 05:59 by DarthParadox)

or, The Counts of Königsberg

Normal sudoku rules apply. A digit in a circle indicates how many times that digit appears in circles. Not all circles are given.

Hashiwokakero: All circles are connected by a single network of bridges. Each bridge runs orthogonally between two circles and does not turn, branch, or cross over any other circles or bridges. Each connection between two circles is made by either a single bridge or two parallel bridges. A digit in a circle indicates the total number of bridges that connect to it. (A tutorial on Hashiwokakero (aka "Bridges") puzzles.)

A bridge's sum is the total sum of all digits on the bridge, not counting the circles at either end. Clues above the grid give the total of all the sums for vertical bridges in the indicated column, and clues to the left of the grid give the total of all the sums for the horizontal bridges in that row. (A bridge may connect adjacent circles, in which case its sum would be 0; however, a 0 clue does not necessarily indicate that a bridge is present.)

Online solver: SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 8 (nine digits, no spaces)

Last changed on on 22. September 2024, 08:44

Solved by SKORP17, ClashCode, MokuFlows
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on 22. September 2024, 08:44 by DarthParadox
Added link to Hashiwokakero tutorial.

Last changed on 22. September 2024, 08:42

on 18. September 2024, 16:04 by henrypijames
I don't understand. Since no two circles are in the same row or column, how can a bridge run orthogonally from one to another without turning? As with all new ruleset, an example (in this case a graphic one) is dearly needed.


The key here is "not all circles are given". Most of the endpoints of the bridges need to be deduced. If you're not familiar with the "Hashiwokakero" (aka "Bridges") puzzle format, here's a tutorial page (which I'll also link in the puzzle itself): https://www.hashi.info/how-to-solve


on 17. September 2024, 18:42 by ClashCode
Great puzzle!
Very smooth once you get into it :)

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