Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tirol Choco (Chocona Hybrid)

(Published on 20. September 2024, 02:20 by sfushidahardy)

I've never personally seen a Chocona-Sudoku hybrid, but I noticed their rulesets can be easily hybridised (without having to slightly alter "Chocona" rules, for example). I hope you enjoy it!

  • Standard sudoku rules: fill each row, column and box with the digits 1 to 9, once each.
  • Chocona: shade some cells so that every orthogonally connected group of shaded cells is a square or rectangle. The digit in each circle counts the number of shaded cells in the corresponding box. Digits in a group of shaded cells cannot repeat.
  • Japanese sums: clues outside the grid give the sum of digits in each contiguous sequence of shaded cells in the respective row or column. For a given row or column, either all clues or no clues are given. A "?" symbol represents any number (from 1 to 45).

Hopefully this example partial solution clarifies any questions about the rules.

Solve Tirol Choco on Sudokupad.

The name Tirol Choco is a reference to チロルチョコ, which is chocolate product sold in convenience stores in Japan. I have fond memories of eating them as a child, as I'm sure many others do; one chocolate cost only 10 cents! They were fairly sizeable for their price too. Each chocolate was very cubey in form, and reminds me of the chocolate blocks in (the solution of) this puzzle.

Solution code: Digits in shaded cells in rows 1 and 7 (no spaces).

Last changed on on 20. September 2024, 02:25

Solved by MaizeGator, marcmees, Jesper, tuturitu, xingyun, Grothenlace, MTTyler, Mr_tn, jkuo7, SudokuHero
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on 21. September 2024, 16:41 by xingyun

on 20. September 2024, 14:17 by marcmees
Very Nice. Thanks

Solved:10 times
Observed:1 times

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