Portal Hopping
(Published on 13. September 2024, 22:11 by Gerhard1963)
Portal Hopping
When making "Caught the Puzzle Bug" and "Orbit", I had some ideas for a more difficult concoction, so I combined them into this.
- Irregular Regions: Every row, column, and region indicated by thicker borders within the grid must contain a complete set of the digits 1-9.
- Renban line: Usually shown as purple lines, digits along a Renban line must form a set of non repeating consecutive digits in any order.
- Quadruples: Digits in a Quadruple circle must be placed at least once in the four cells touching that circle.
- Kropki pairs: Digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given.
My Puzzle Catalogue

Solution code: The digits on the positive diagonal (from bottom left to top right).
Last changed on on 28. September 2024, 23:08
Solved by BBB, arteful, cybers, jalebc, dodo, tuturitu, BirdyChirp, jcgodart, paranoid, juventino188, mew_rocks, mse326, SudokuHero, Ratzfaz, sorryimLate, jkuo7, QuiltyAsCharged, NeilGirdhar, Megalobrainiac, ... madhupt, OGRussHood, Zeddecks, Exigus, NEWS, Uhu, geronimo92, karlmortenlunna, SXH, strangelyinsane, Dentones, martin1456, Frank Puzzles, MysticMan, Illuminated, lovely, Leilalu222, michaal94
on 25. November 2024, 02:03 by Frank Puzzles
Here's my solve of your puzzle. I'm usually not very good with irregular regions, but for some reason, this clicked for me. Thank you for the lovely puzzle!
on 21. October 2024, 14:19 by Exigus
38 minutes of great fun. Playing whack-a-mole with digits on the renbans.
on 28. September 2024, 23:08 by Gerhard1963
Übersetzungsfehler korrigiert.
on 14. September 2024, 04:36 by cybers
Very nice!