Entangled Between (Entropic lines, Palindrome)
(Published on 12. September 2024, 04:21 by jcgodart)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Palindrome: the sequence of digits along grey lines reads the same in both directions.
- Entropic lines: each chunk of 3 successive digits along peach lines must contain a low (123), a medium (456) and a high (789) digit. Digits may repeat along a line if allowed by other rules.
- Between lines : digits along blue lines must be between the digits in the circles.
- Digits joined by an X sum to 10. Digits joined by a white dot are consecutive. Digits joined by a black dot are in the ratio 1:2. Not all dots and Xs are necessarily given.
Play online with Sudoku Pad
Solution code: Column 1
Solved by arteful, Megalobrainiac, gxorgx, Chelo, pms_headache, Snookerfan, SKORP17, Mennoo_, sahi1l, TaeChi, jalebc, BlitzburghBrian, wang
on 12. September 2024, 13:39 by pms_headache
What a nice solve path. I needed to use colors and letters!