Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Grandfather's clock. (Balance)

(Published on 12. September 2024, 02:29 by Killer Joe)

                                           Click image to play in sudokupad.

Normal 9x9 sudoku rules apply.

Global entropy : The digits are split up into 3 groups namely low (123) mid (456) and high (789). Any 2x2 area in the grid must contain at least one of each group. 

The blue lines are both entropic lines and region sum lines combined. Any 3 contiguous digits on an entropy line contain one digit of each entropic group. Box borders divide a region sum line into sections that sum to the same value.

The double arrows (circles included) are also entropic meaning any 3 contiguous digits in column 5 contain 1 of each group.

Double arrows : Digits on a grey line sum to the same value as the two digits attached on either end of the line. If a circle has two lines, the digit in the circle independently counts towards both lines. 

Digits separated by a grey dot are either consecutive or have a 1:2 ratio.

Have fun.

Solution code: row 9

Last changed on on 12. September 2024, 19:24

Solved by arteful, etoler, Krisonium, Mr. Happy, Megalobrainiac, pythonssssss, Fizz, anyeyeball, maniacaljackal, SKORP17, TripleABattery, samuella, Crul, dingledork, gdc, dipiz, zrbakhtiar, NEWS, Raistlen, ChattyKathy, achim-t, candleshine, Vaurien, macmillan333, sorryimLate, jgarber, ValentineQuinn, MaxSmartable, ManuH, Snookerfan, mitch.keeping, Toren
Full list


on 13. September 2024, 02:52 by dingledork
I enjoyed those grey dots.

on 12. September 2024, 19:24 by Killer Joe
Changed difficulty to 1 star which seems fair after getting feedback and solving it again myself. Let me know if you agree by rating please. Thank you.

on 12. September 2024, 12:58 by anyeyeball
Wonderful puzzle; thanks for sharing.

on 12. September 2024, 02:32 by Killer Joe
Inspired by the monthly prompt; balance.

Rating:92 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:0 times

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