Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

BLT Mirror

(Published on 12. September 2024, 01:55 by Ridhwan)

I had an idea combining parity mirror with a constraint that is difficult to combine with, which is exactly why I combine it with sandwich constraint. It turns out pretty great and I am satisfied with this puzzle. Hopefully you can enjoy it too!


1. Normal sudoku rules apply.

2. Marked diagonal reflects the same odd/even parity on each side. For example, if r2c4 is even, then r4c2 is also even.

3. A clue outside the grid gives the sum of the digits "sandwiched" between the digits 1 and 9 in this row or column.

Do have a go!

Link: CTC

Solution code: Column 6

Last changed on on 12. September 2024, 15:14

Solved by arteful, bansalsaab, Megalobrainiac, Dentones, marcmees, SKORP17, hoopsie, Briks, han233ing, Mikemerin, Nadhirah, Bankey
Full list


on 3. January 2025, 05:49 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks, @ Ridhwan :)

on 9. October 2024, 14:36 by Mikemerin
Very cool combination of the rules and how the logic path comes out of it!

Last changed on 12. September 2024, 15:15

on 12. September 2024, 15:14 by Ridhwan
1. Reword the second rule and added an example.
2. Changed the link with updated rules.

Last changed on 12. September 2024, 15:11

on 12. September 2024, 14:32 by marcmees
Q: Even reflects onto odd or onto even? Not sure how to understand this rule.

Sorry for the confusion. Even digit must reflect onto even digit and vice versa, e.g if r4c2 is even, then r2c4 is also even. Hope this helps.

Last changed on 12. September 2024, 07:43

on 12. September 2024, 06:31 by bansalsaab
Amazing breakin and solve

Thanks bansalsaab!

Rating:89 %
Solved:12 times
Observed:4 times

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