Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Draft Picks

(Published on 11. September 2024, 16:30 by ViKingPrime)




Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Normal Team Sum and Copycat rules apply

(i.e. divide the digits from 1 through 9 into two teams such that every digit is in exactly one of the two teams;
the finished grid is divided into orthogonally connected areas which contain only digits from one team
and are bounded by digits of the other team and/or the border of the grid;
a number clue gives the sum of all digits in the area;
digits may repeat in such an area and the sum clues are in an arbitrary position within the area;
each area has at most one clue but may also have none at all;
a "?" is a stand in for any integer sum, including double digit numbers

(i.e. place Copycat Cells into the grid so that there is exactly one Copycat Cell in each row, column and box;
each Copycat Cell must contain a different digit;
the value of a Copycat Cell is the digit in the cell rotationally opposite itself in the grid - 180° rotation about the center of the grid;
for example, if R2C3 is a Copycat Cell containing the digit 5 and R8C7 contains the digit 9, the value of R2C3 is the digit in R8C7, which is 9

In addition, Copycat cells may never borrow values from digits of its same team.

Digits and space outside of the grid have been provided for tracking purposes and as a solving aid.


Based on the logic of Phistomefel's puzzle Team Sum Sudoku with the added twist of Scojo's favourite constraint.

I seem to be the only one carrying the torch of Team Sum sudoku at the moment, which is a shame since it leads to some surprisingly elegant solving and setting. If you're itching to try setting with something new I highly encourage you to give it a try, you won't be disappointed.

Have fun!

Solve in SudokuMaker!
Solve in SudokuPad!

Solution code: The digits along Row 3, left-to-right.

Last changed on on 13. October 2024, 17:48

Solved by bansalsaab, gdc, Christounet, roflsalot, Klvsched, Nell Gwyn, karlmortenlunna, lmdemasi, marty_sears, ThePedallingPianist, palpot, Ratfinkz, Paletron, meixia, itweb, SXH, QuiltyAsCharged, Scojo, Sotehr, KyubiBoy
Full list


on 14. September 2024, 00:02 by marty_sears
Lovely combination of rules, which interacted with eachother in all kinds of pleasing ways. Loved the presentation too - the note space was a very nice addition.

on 12. September 2024, 12:40 by Christounet
Tough opening with some very twisted but interesting deductions, requiring a good amount of meta-logic coming from the ruleset. Impressive how this works ! Thanks :)

on 11. September 2024, 19:24 by bansalsaab

Rating:99 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:4 times

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