Wichtels Rätselsommer 2024 (6): Ein seltsamer Mischmasch
(Published on 9. September 2024, 20:23 by wichtel)
To Christmas 2023 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles are now presented one after the other here in the portal.
"What kind of strange mishmash is this?", asked the head gnome when he saw this grid that his gnome apprentice had created. "As a beginner, I unfortunately lacked ideas... so I simply had the rules created by an AI", replied the newcomer, a little anxiously. "The result was a combination of Japanese sums, Subway, Pentominoes and ten-lines." The head gnome's exasperation rose: "Japanese sums and Subway might be fine... but what in the world are ten-lines? Our recipient surely won't like that!" The newcomer replied confidently: "In fact, an informant told me that the recipient of this puzzle is secretly a big fan of ten-lines." "You're making that up! What kind of informant?!", shouted the head gnome, but then he realized that there was far too little time to create a new puzzle. "Well, since we have no other choice, we'll leave this puzzle as it is. But next year I'll choose the rules!"
The left grid is a standard Subway puzzle. The right grid is a standard Japanese sums puzzle with the digits 1-9. "?"s may stand for any digit 0-9, but double-digit numbers cannot start with 0. "..." stands for an arbitrary number of clues, including none.
All empty cells in the Subway grid form pentominoes, which may not touch each other, even diagonally. The same applies for all shaded cells in the Japanese Sums grid. When overlaying both grids on top of each other, every such pentomino in one grid overlaps exactly two pentominoes from the other grid, and each overlap consists of exactly one cell. The digits in the Japanese Sums grid on top of a pentomino from the Subway grid must sum to 10.
Solution code: For every row except the bottom row, the number of line segments extending down from that row. Then row 8 of the Japanese Sums, S for black cells.
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Solved by Myxo, Piatato, tuturitu, ibag, Niverio, Jesper, ONeill, jkuo7, Agent, misko, KNT, Alex, lupo, Paletron, dumediat, Zzzyxas, Nensche777, ffricke, zuzanina
on 22. January 2025, 21:43 by zuzanina
Wunderschön! :-)
on 20. November 2024, 10:56 by ffricke
Super schönes Rätsel. Wunderbare Interaktion der beiden Puzzle.
on 10. November 2024, 22:10 by dumediat
Magnificent in every way!
on 25. October 2024, 12:25 by Alex
That was fun!
on 18. October 2024, 07:17 by KNT
It was even better the second time around. Thank you for this gift!!
on 19. September 2024, 06:51 by Agent
Beautiful puzzle, very hard and rewarding!
on 16. September 2024, 18:02 by ONeill
Amazing puzzle!
penpa solving link: https://tinyurl.com/266lz96z
on 14. September 2024, 15:45 by Jesper
on 11. September 2024, 23:26 by Niverio
Sehr geil :)
on 11. September 2024, 09:04 by ibag
Wow mal wieder, ganz fantastisch! Wichtel ist einfach der Beste!!!
on 10. September 2024, 14:11 by Myxo
@Luigi Das ist richtig.
Last changed on 10. September 2024, 13:27on 10. September 2024, 13:26 by Luigi
Da nicht explizit erwähnt, gehe ich davon aus, dass die Pentominos in den Gittern jeweils nicht alle unterschiedlich sein müssen.
on 9. September 2024, 22:52 by Piatato
Fantastic puzzle, great interactions between the grids and a lot of fun throughout the solve!