Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Statue Gallery Akari

(Published on 8. September 2024, 10:54 by blotwell)


  • Statue Park: Shade cells in the grid to form each of the given shapes (statues) exactly once, with rotations and reflections allowed. No two shapes can overlap or be orthogonally adjacent, and all of the space not occupied by shapes must be edgewise connected.
  • The already placed black cells (with or without Akari clues) are not statues and cannot be a part of a statue.
  • Akari: Place light bulbs in unshaded white cells so that every unshaded white cell in the grid is lit or contains a light bulb. A numbered cell indicates how many light bulbs are next to it, horizontally and vertically. Light bulbs may go in any unshaded white cell and illuminate all the cells vertically and horizontally from it to a black cell (wall), a shaded cell (statue) or the edge of the board, whichever comes first. No light bulb may illuminate any other light bulb.
  • Every edge segment on the perimeter of a statue must be illuminated, that is, it must either be immediately adjacent to a light bulb, or face towards one with only unshaded white cells intervening. The already placed black cells are not statues and do not have to be illuminated.


Online solving: Penpa+

Solution code: For each row from top to bottom, enter the number of the column in which the leftmost light bulb appears in that row (1 = leftmost column etc.) Enter 0 if there is no light bulb in the row.

Solved by kroutu, jkuo7, kays, Jesper, bernhard, JustinTucker, csilva, uvo
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Solved:8 times
Observed:1 times

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