Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

the feudal age

(Published on 10. October 2024, 22:10 by aqjhs)

  • Samurai Sudoku rules apply: normal sudoku rules apply in each of the five grids. Shared boxes conform to both grids' sudoku.
  • Cells one chess knight's move apart may not contain the same digit.
  • Adjacent digits on a yellow/green/orange line must have a difference of at least 6/5/4, respectively. Digits joined by a yellow/green/orange dot have a difference of at least 6/5/4, respectively.
  • Any set of three consecutive cells along a red (entropic) line must contain a low digit (123), a medium digit (456), and a high digit (789). Digits joined by a red dot are both low (123), medium (456), or high(789).
  • Any set of three consecutive cells along a dark teal (modular) line must contain one digit of each residue class modulo 3, i.e, the sets {147}, {258} and {369}. Digits joined by a dark teal dot are in the same residue class modulo 3.
  • The 3x3 boxes split the blue line into connected components with the same sum.
  • Digits in an arrow sum to the digit in its circle.
  • Digits joined by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio, and digits joined by a white dot are consecutive.
  • Not all possible dots are given.

Online in Sudokupad

See also: the imperial age

Solution code: Column 1 (18 digits)

Last changed on -

Solved by ludvigr04, by81996672, SKORP17, Dentones, mausi19la03, strangelyinsane, Clueless, annnz, Asphodel, snuuba, wacfwaef, tgstar
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on 17. October 2024, 13:22 by Clueless
368 Minutes for me

Last changed on 11. October 2024, 17:32

on 11. October 2024, 13:13 by by81996672
Can this anti knight rule take effect across grids? For example, R9C6 and R10C8.


yes it does

on 11. October 2024, 02:14 by ludvigr04
Wow! Top tier! Thanks for setting :)

Solved:12 times
Observed:7 times

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