Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

the imperial age

(Published on 9. September 2024, 09:09 by aqjhs)

  • Samurai Sudoku rules apply: normal sudoku rules apply in each of the five grids. Shared boxes conform to both grids' sudoku.
  • Adjacent digits on a yellow/green/orange line must have a difference of at least 6/5/4.
  • Any set of three consecutive cells along a red (entropic) line must contain a low digit (123), a medium digit (456), and a high digit (789).
  • The 3x3 boxes split the blue line into connected components with the same sum.
  • Digits in an arrow sum to the digit in its circle.
  • Digits joined by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio, and digits joined by a white dot are consecutive. Not all possible dots are given.

Online in Sudokupad

Solution code: Row 14

Last changed on -

Solved by Piff, Gilliatt, SKORP17, by81996672, NotThatKindOfDoctor, tgstar, paranoid, Snookerfan, ludvigr04, utsavb, snuuba, BlueDarner, AKropki
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on 6. December 2024, 17:10 by snuuba
Just wow. It took 349 minutes, the first hour probably went while looking for some sort of breakin. Many thanks.

If I ever get stranded on a desert island, I hope I land there with ipad full of these kind of puzzles. I would be entertained for very long time :)

Solved:13 times
Observed:6 times

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