Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

OmniLS #8: The Circles of Power

(Published on 2. September 2024, 11:00 by sujoyku)

This is the 8th edition of the Omnipotent Line Series (OmniLS). The previous puzzles with Omnipotent Lines have been:

Puzzle #1: Anything works

Puzzle #2: Divinity Through the Fog by meggen033

Puzzle #3: Omnipotent Butterfly

Puzzle #4: Mighty Triangle

DFM Guest Spot: Dutch Flat Mates (Omnipotent Lines)

Puzzle #5: Taking the scenic route

Puzzle #6: X-trapolation

Puzzle #7: The Omni-Code

This puzzle combines the Omnipotent Lines with Counting Circles. I think the starting phase is the hardest and the overall difficulty could lie around 3 stars. Please feel free to tell in the comments how you liked it. I wish you happy solving!

- Normal sudoku rules apply, i.e. each row, column and 3x3 region has to contain the digits from 1 to 9 once each.

- Counting Circles: A circled digit indicates exactly how many circles contain that digit.

- Omnipotent Line: The orange line is a so-called Omnipotent Line, i.e. each pair of adjacent digits on the line must fulfill either an X, V, white or black Kropki dot clue. In other words, any pair of adjacent digits on the line must sum to 5 or 10, be consecutive or in a 1:2 ratio. (At least one of these constraints must be met, it is allowed that two are fulfilled simultaneously.)

Example: The digit 3 may be adjacent on the line to either a 2 (V or white Kropki dot), a 4 (white Kropki dot), a 6 (black Kropki dot) or a 7 (X).

Here you can solve the puzzle online:

Solve on CtC

Solution code: Column 9 from top to bottom (9 digits in total)

Last changed on -

Solved by Piff, wuc, Gilliatt, mihel111, finger, Ragna, SKORP17, Flinty, sorryimLate, Jesper, SPring, Megalobrainiac, sedici, Bjd, olliwright, jcgodart, miranda_9, OJPS, nighthawkranger, zrbakhtiar, QuiltyAsCharged, meggen033, b413x, CreationOperator, OuyangZheng, lmdemasi, joelth, NEWS, Sus, Lenivaya_Joppa, ranalloatl2, Drafuf, steinchen, widjo, lovely, dendrobium, tuoni2
Full list


Last changed on 9. November 2024, 16:20

on 9. November 2024, 15:55 by Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this nice puzzle, dear sujoyku! :)

You are much welcome, Lenivaya_Joppa, thank you for commenting! I am glad that you enjoyed the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 7. September 2024, 16:15

on 7. September 2024, 16:10 by meggen033
Very nice! The circle logic combined with the Omni Lines was superb! Thank you for setting and sharing. Cheers!

Thank you for your comment, meggen033! I am glad that you enjoyed the omnipotent lines/counting circles combo.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 7. September 2024, 01:13

on 7. September 2024, 01:02 by QuiltyAsCharged
Thanks for the great OmniLS puzzles! This was my favorite so far, with the counting circles leading to interesting interactions. Very nifty break-in.

Thank you for your comment, QuiltyAsCharged! I am glad that you liked the puzzle. I had the idea for the break-in lying around for a while but only recently found the time to construct this puzzle around it.
The OmniLS puzzles dont have received the highest ratings. Therefore, it is very encouraging to hear that you enjoy the constraint.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 2. September 2024, 22:31

on 2. September 2024, 22:02 by sorryimLate
Very clever break-in and lots of happy solving! I love counting circles and the way you used these constraints was wonderful. Well done, sujoyku!

Thank you for your kind comment, sorryimLate! You telling me about happy solving makes me a happy setter. :)
But no kidding: It is lovely to hear you enjoyed the puzzle and liked its break-in. I had this break-in idea for quite a while but only last week-end I found the time to work it out.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 2. September 2024, 14:59

on 2. September 2024, 14:50 by mihel111
I agree with your comment above the grid. It needs a bit of thinking for the break in. The rest of the solve is a bit more fluent. Very well done, as always.

Thank you for your comment, mihel111! I am glad that you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Last changed on 2. September 2024, 14:19

on 2. September 2024, 13:36 by wuc
Very nice break in. Very constant rewarding difficulty. Very cool puzzle thx.

Thank you for your kind words, wuc! I am glad that you liked the break-in and enjoyed the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Rating:90 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:6 times

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