Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermocube (Cubedoku, Thermo)

(Published on 1. September 2024, 16:36 by Chilly)

Here's the next puzzle in the Cubedoku series. You can find the first puzzle, and a full explanation of the rules, and how it works here. This one is also a thermo puzzle, with some irregular regions - it's not too tough, but is a little more challenging than the first.


by Chilly

The Rules:

  • Standard Cubedoku rules apply: fill the cells with the digits 1-6, so that each visible face of the cube is a valid Sudoku grid. Every digit in each grid indexes a 1x1x1 target cell within the cube, and each target cell must be indexed by all three grids.The digit 1 in a cell specifies that the target cell is the 1x1x1 cube closest to the surface of the cube where the digit is located, whereas a digit 2 in a cell indicates that the target cell is the second cube down from the surface, and so on.

  • Digits on a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.

Link for solving on Penpa

Solution code: There are three visible faces - the top face, the left face and the right face. On the top face row 1 goes from the left top corner to the far top corner, and column 1 goes from the left top corner to the near top corner. The code is: left face row 4, right face column 4, top face column 5 (18 digits, no spaces)

Solved by Wiise, tuturitu, marcmees, Andrewsarchus, XeonRisq, Smartacus
Full list


on 14. September 2024, 00:09 by XeonRisq
Good puzzle, crap platform. Hope you can find a different site for solvers to enjoy these..

Last changed on 2. September 2024, 11:51

on 2. September 2024, 02:24 by Wiise
It took a minute to understand the index/target rule. It didn't click for me until I looked at the picture in the ruleset of your previously released Cubedoku. Otherwise, I enjoyed it!

Thanks for the solve - yeah, the picture in the other one really helps.

Solved:6 times
Observed:5 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Three-dimensional

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