Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Toroidal Diagonal Hit Points

(Published on 26. August 2024, 20:56 by Laake)

Toroidal Diagonal Hit Points

Put this cheeky puzzle together for Scojo's indexing prompt, and took heavy inspiration from Black Doom's Critial Hit puzzle, which is a very nice one that I recommend checking out! I just decided I had to make the grid a torus. Everything is more fun with a torus. All the cool kids are using them these days.

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Renban: Digits on a purple renban line form a consecutive set of non-repeating digits. These can be placed in any order.
  • Hit Points: Clues outside the grid give the sum of all cells that contain a digit equal to the distance of that cell from that clue along the marked diagonal. For example, a 3 in r1c3 would count towards the 15 clue outside row 4.
  • In addition, the Hit Points clues travel around the grid as if it were a torus. When a diagonal hits the edge of the grid, it loops around to the other side and continues. For example, the diagonal that starts in r3c1 going upwards would travel to r1c3, then loop around to r9c4, and finish on r4c9. In this example, a 4 in r9c4 would contribute to the Hit Point sum.

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Solution code: Row 2 please if it's not too much hassle

Solved by Flinty, palpot, karlmortenlunna, Scojo, kublai, SKORP17, ThePedallingPianist, cybers, cmigas, QuiltyAsCharged, Frank Puzzles, lmdemasi, widjo, PippoForte
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on 9. October 2024, 12:29 by Frank Puzzles

Here's a link to my solve of the puzzle. It was challenging but fun!

on 9. September 2024, 16:05 by QuiltyAsCharged
Great fun, nifty break-in, totally tubular torus

on 27. August 2024, 01:21 by cybers
Unreasonably fun to solve, thanks for this

on 26. August 2024, 23:41 by ThePedallingPianist
The world needs more toroidal diagonal nonsense! I loved this - such a beautiful break in and the rest flowed very nicely! Superb puzzle :)

on 26. August 2024, 21:10 by Flinty
Hit Points are a wonderful constraint, and this is an excellent adaption. Great puzzle.

Rating:91 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:6 times

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