Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Glass Half Summed (Chaos Construction)

(Published on 25. August 2024, 01:10 by sfushidahardy)

This puzzle is inspired by the pencil-puzzle Aquarium (but knowledge of that genre is not required for this puzzle). I hope you enjoy it!

  • Chaos construction: divide the grid into regions, each consisting of orthogonally connected cells, and fill each row, column, and region with the digits 1 to 9 once each. One boundary-edge is already given.
  • Sub-level X-sums: A digit in a cell with a corner clue is the number of cells in the region in rows at or below the clued cell. Moreover, the value of the corner clue is the sum of the digits in those cells.
    • For example, a corner clue of 6 in R5C3 might indicate that the corresponding region has two cells in R5 and below, containing the digits 2 and 4.
  • A region may contain no clues, one clue, or multiple clues.

I've made an example puzzle which will hopefully clear any possible confusions about the rules.

Solve Glass Half Summed on Sudokupad!

Solution code: The digits in row 8, with a forward-slash at region boundaries. For example, 123/45/6789.

Last changed on on 25. August 2024, 01:16

Solved by MaizeGator, cybers, Tom-dz, yttrio, Grothenlace, han233ing, Bootenks, jkuo7, Franjo, Piff, bansalsaab, zakkai, Paletron, Shape, applesauce, meixia, dogfarts, SeveNateNine, RJBlarmo, tiantian5933, ... Frutlop, marcmees, steeto, SKORP17, koXx, karlmortenlunna, Sinuit, Azumagao, SudokuHero, Laermans, Counterfeitly, Agent, flo_310, misko, jmw, DVFrank, BeeBoi, skwylcy, ophelias, widjo, Kavman15
Full list


on 7. September 2024, 15:08 by Agent
Excellent puzzle, very smooth! The geometric deductions reminded me a bit of Compass.

on 2. September 2024, 11:48 by Sinuit
Wow! So good!
It took me very long to find my false assumption (probably the same as mentioned in some of the comments below :-). But it‘s so rewarding to make it work again.
Thanks a lot!

on 29. August 2024, 11:37 by marcmees
I can only confirm the 100% rating. Thanks

on 28. August 2024, 20:27 by h5663454
skorp17: thx wenchang :)

on 28. August 2024, 19:57 by wenchang
Great setting and very joyful to play. Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/qJbI40KvDT4

on 25. August 2024, 23:41 by applesauce
Amazing! I also thought I broke the puzzle at one point -- nothing more exhilarating than seeing how a "broken" puzzle is not, in fact, broken. Thank you!

on 25. August 2024, 13:09 by Franjo
Fantastic puzzle with a lovely break-in, though hard to find (for me). Some more tricky steps followed where it took me a while to make the right deductions, but I enjoyed every moment. Thank you so much for creating and sharing this masterpiece.

on 25. August 2024, 05:22 by yttrio
Brilliant puzzle! There were a couple moments when I thought I broke the puzzle before realizing that there was, in fact, a clever option I had missed. Thanks for creating this one!

on 25. August 2024, 04:36 by cybers
Loved it, even though I felt half (a) fool throughout. Thank you for setting!

on 25. August 2024, 01:46 by MaizeGator
Awesome break-in and region geometry, combined with a super smooth sudoku

Rating:98 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:8 times

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