Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

First Pitch

(Published on 24. August 2024, 06:57 by Tingo)

First Pitch

This sudoku is an homage to my favorite sport - baseball. The rules are as follows:

Digits along thermometers must strictly increase from the bulb. Note: R5C1 is a bulb/home plate, the thermos are the foul lines.

Green lines are German Whispers lines. Adjacent digits along the line must differ in value by at least 5. (Outfield wall).

Pink lines are Renban lines. Digits along the line are consecutive in any order. (Base path from first to third).

Cells joined by white dots have consecutive values. Cells joined by Xs sum to 10. Not all dots (balls) or Xs (strikes) are given.

Digits in cells containing large circles may not be repeated. Also, these circles indicate the scoring number correlated to the position of the defensive player on the field. For those who don't follow baseball, or who have never kept score, search "baseball player positions by number". These 9 digits will act as "given" digits, and is where I intend for everyone to "break in" to the puzzle.

Have fun everyone. Play Ball!

The puzzle can be played at F-Puzzles here!

The puzzle can be played at CTC here!

Questions, comments, concerns and jokes are all welcome! Thanks for playing!

Solution code: Row 9 followed by Column 4, 18 digits total

Solved by running_fatty, Hajuhn, Rearden, ludvigr04, LehanLehan, flaemmchen, Rex, EFlatMinor, NineK, keenbowl, MarthaB, Megalobrainiac, katze, drbs, permafrostyx, RickiFerrara, cmigas, Mup, SKORP17, hige, ... bereolosp, asver, burgermason, Lovejoy , naftbefehl, Thomster, DutchMark, geronimo92, NEWS, Supertaster, DozingSongbird, Stargazing Albatross, mmhhhh, ManuH, seven-seas, arangues, PippoForte
Full list


on 4. October 2024, 18:34 by 111chrisi
Hello Tingo,
give me some help please

on 4. October 2024, 11:23 by 111chrisi
I can't cope with this puzzle at all.
I have already come up with nine solutions.

I can't find an approach, I always have to assume a number. That's terrible.
Can someone here give me a tip
email chr.h.mueller@gmail.com

Last changed on 2. October 2024, 18:48

on 2. October 2024, 16:42 by 111chrisi
Ich komme mit diesem Rätsel überhaupt nicht zurecht.
Ich habe inzwischen schon neun Lösungen rausgebracht.

Ich finde keinen Ansatz ich muss immer eine Zahl annehmen. Das ist furchtbar.
Kann mir denn hier jemand einen Tipp geben
email chr.h.mueller@gmail.com

on 26. August 2024, 14:19 by PinkNickels
Took 3:47, but I have the advantage having played baseball in high school and having four boys all in travel baseball :). Fun one! Thanks for sharing.

Last changed on 26. August 2024, 07:20

on 26. August 2024, 07:19 by Mozart40
My first Google supported break in. Nice!

on 25. August 2024, 01:30 by Blackophelia
This was lovely!

on 24. August 2024, 23:06 by ako
Very nice catches around the poles in the first inning!

on 24. August 2024, 19:16 by Flash Groudon
Great puzzle! I love that the design is completely symmetrical, and the ruleset is what breaks the symmetry to give a unique solution. Nicely done :)

on 24. August 2024, 14:41 by permafrostyx
yay bally

on 24. August 2024, 12:19 by MarthaB
Play Ball! Fun puzzle.

Rating:86 %
Solved:108 times
Observed:6 times

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