Solution code: Name the third requirement?
on 5. January 2025, 17:15 by Sadtwig
Thank you for solving my puzzle. What a nice surprise for the new year.
on 2. January 2025, 10:44 by filuta
that was super cool, thanks for sharing it! (also actually more like 3 stars for me, but difficulty is relative and there's surely a lot going on here)
on 21. September 2024, 20:59 by Sadtwig
Increased difficulty to 4/5.
on 21. September 2024, 20:58 by Sadtwig
Thank you for solving my puzzle. You made my day. I hope you had a good time.
on 21. September 2024, 04:49 by Kafkapharnaum
Easily my proudest solve ever, what an experience! Can't recount the number of times where I was sure I had it, only to get 'Solution code failed!'. Thank you for setting this adventure of a puzzle! Straight to favorites, but man, is that NOT a 3/5 difficulty puzzle, my goodness XD