Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

We Come In Peas

(Published on 22. August 2024, 18:07 by Gene The Supreme)

This puzzle is the result of a collaboration with SamuPiano. Many thanks to him for making the puzzle possible.

"Normal" Schrodinger sudoku rules apply - place the digits 0-9 once each in every row, column and 3x3 box, where one cell in each row, column, and box is a "Schrodinger cell", containing two digits.

The numerical value of a S-cell is the base-10 sum of the two digits in that cell, and its "face value" is the base-10 string of digits representing its numerical value. E. g., a S-cell containing 3 and 9 have a numerical value of 3+9=12 and a face value of "12".

Extraterrestrial Split Peas: The value of a line is the base-10 sum of numerical values of every cell on that line strictly between the two circles at the end of the line. The two possible values of a split pea are the base-N interpretations of the concatenated face values of both circle cells, with the circles sitting in either order for the concatenation. For every pair of circles linked by a line, the value of the line must be equal to at least one of the two possible values of its split pea. E. g., if a line goes (39)-4-56-(0), the value of the line is 4+(5+6)=15 (all base-10), and the possible values of the split pea are "120" or "012" (base-N), so this line would be valid if either N=3 (120_base-3=15_base-10) or N=13 (012_base-13=15_base-10). All split peas have the same number N as a base, where N is an integer greater than 1.

Note: As in this example, digits equal or greater than N are allowed to appear in a circle, as long as that circle is an S-cell which has a face value containing only digits smaller than N. Otherwise it's not allowed, e. g. a single-digit 6 or an S-cell with 79 is not allowed to appear in a circle if N=6 (or less).

The value of R1C1 is smaller than the value of R2C2.

Solve on SudokuPad

Solution code: Column 5. For Schrodinger cells, enter the lowest digit first.

Last changed on on 22. August 2024, 18:08

Solved by SamuPiano, Paletron, SKORP17, MadHypnofrog, mew_rocks
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on 22. August 2024, 18:21 by SamuPiano
I love collaborative setting, and Gene was a pleasure to work with on this one! I am really happy with how this turned out :-)

on 22. August 2024, 18:08 by Gene The Supreme

Solved:5 times
Observed:1 times

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