When Region Sum isn't Enough
(Published on 23. September 2024, 14:12 by H.Bell)
I had a blast setting this. I will admit I wasn't sure what difficulty rating to give this so let me know what you think. Enjoy:)
Play on SudokuPad
Normal 6x6 Sudoku Rules Apply; Place the digits 1-6 once each in every row, column, and 2x3 box.
Region Sum: There is a region sum line in the puzzle. It starts and ends at the two blue circles placed in the grid (r2c3 and r6c6). The line is divided by boxes into different sections where every section on the line has the same sum. The solver must determine the path of the line. The line does not enter the same box multiple times and only moves orthogonally through the center of cells. The line does not have to enter every box
Region Sum Variation: Additionally, every box the line enters has a number, N, that is equal to the amount of cells on the region sum line in that box. The digit N must appear somewhere on that box's section of the region sum line. Lastly, N is equal to either the box's number (when counting in normal reading order) or a number that would form a 1:2 ratio with that box number (or 0 if the line doesn't enter that box). For example, in box 2 (the top right box), N could be 1, 2, or 4. If it is determined to be 4, there will be 4 cells of the region sum line and the digit 4 will appear on the line in that box.
Solution code: The first (topmost) row, from left to right.
Last changed on on 4. October 2024, 23:10
Solved by SKORP17, Jowser, SenatorGronk, arteful, Dermerlin, geronimo92, oskode, mjozska1985, Calesch, toboed
on 4. October 2024, 23:10 by H.Bell
Updated rules so that the puzzle is uniquely solvable and updated SudokuPad link to match updated rules.
on 4. October 2024, 00:25 by geronimo92
H.Bell please be really more precise specially with a new ruleset : the line goes always straight and never enters twice in a box, now that's a 1 star puzzle !
Last changed on 4. October 2024, 18:09on 3. October 2024, 21:39 by oskode
You should really specify that the line moves orthogonally. The puzzle has several solutions as the rules read right now, implying that the line may move diagonally.
on 3. October 2024, 20:46 by H.Bell
Sorry about that, the rules should have indicated that the line doesn't have to enter all boxes, hopefully the updated rules work
on 3. October 2024, 20:44 by H.Bell
Updated region sum variation rule so now the line doesn't need to enter all boxes (intended rule)
on 23. September 2024, 14:17 by H.Bell
No change, was accidentally deactivated