Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Counting Regions Sudoku

(Published on 13. August 2024, 09:00 by Agent)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.

  • Ten Arrows: A digit N in a cell with arrows sums to 10 with one or more digits in the direction(s) of the arrow(s), starting with the Nth digit in that direction. For a cell with multiple arrows, each direction counts separately.

  • Counting Regions: Divide the grid into orthogonally connected regions. Circles give the size of the corresponding region. Squares indicate that the digit N placed in that square appears exactly N times in the corresponding region. All possible circles and squares are given.

Example Puzzle (6x6)

Main Puzzle (9x9)

Solution code: Column 7 from top to bottom with dashes (-) for region borders (e.g. 35-2187-96-4)

Last changed on -

Solved by Mr_tn, Piatato, Paletron, vollbesonderbar, ONeill, gdc, tuturitu, MagnusJosefsson, cybers, ibag, MaizeGator, smckinley, koba1917, widjo, Bellsita, SlickDude, Andrewsarchus, BeeBoi, lerroyy, konklone, karlmortenlunna, mid80, Jesper, itweb
Full list


on 18. August 2024, 04:43 by MaizeGator
I have so much admiration for a great negative constraint puzzle like this.

on 16. August 2024, 10:25 by ibag
Spannend bis ganz zum Schluss!

on 14. August 2024, 18:47 by cybers
Spectacular! Loved the thrill of some of the bigger steps and the mechanic of the negative constraint.

on 14. August 2024, 10:43 by MagnusJosefsson
Amazing! Such a well designed solution path, the major deductions just keep coming. Incredibly pleasant and fun!

on 13. August 2024, 23:38 by ONeill
Excellent puzzle, a really cool ruleset!

Last changed on 13. August 2024, 17:46

on 13. August 2024, 17:45 by vollbesonderbar
Great Puzzle!
Very long very satisfying journey, never too hard, never too easy ... Great!

on 13. August 2024, 14:29 by Piatato

Rating:98 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:2 times

Puzzle variant Dissection puzzle

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