Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Friendly Mean Thermo

(Published on 12. August 2024, 19:21 by Prof.Dori)

Friendly Mean Thermo

This is a puzzle I made for my birthday which is on 13th August, and the challenge I did give myself is to create a puzzle where other people give me the rules. Although I did misunderstood some of the rules, this is what I created where in my mind these were the rules I thought they are, so I decided to post nevertheless. Hope you enjoy it!


-Normal sudoku rules apply.

-Find the three one-cell-wide snakes hidden in the grid, each starting and ending at matching coloured circles. Snakes can only move orthogonally, and may not touch themselves, not even diagonally. Snakes may not share cells with each other, and may only enter the perimeter of the grid at coloured circles.

-The grey circles mark the ends of the THERMO SNAKE: Somewhere along the snake is a hidden bulb. Digits strictly increase moving outwards from the bulb towards the ends of the snake.

-The yellow circles mark the ends of the MEAN SNAKE: The average (mean) of all the digits on this snake equals the digit on at least one of the yellow circles.

-The blue circles mark the ends of the FRIENDLY SNAKE: Each digit on this snake must equal at least one of its row number, column number or box number.

-A clue outside the grid indicates the total of any digits in its row or column that neighbour at least one consecutive digit within that row or column. Eg: if a column, reading downwards, contains the digits 128396547, then the clue at the top of the column would be 18; the sum of 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6, which are the only digits which neighbour a consecutive digit within that sequence.


Solution code: All the digits on the Mean Snake, starting at r2c1 and ending at r5c6.

Solved by Chad, ThePedallingPianist, karlmortenlunna, bansalsaab, Mennoo_, wensty, sorryimLate, Fool on Hill, widjo, Dorlir, Xenonetix, spagheli
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on 12. September 2024, 23:13 by Fool on Hill
Looks impossible, solves beautifully. Not easy though - you have to see things the right way.

Rating:93 %
Solved:12 times
Observed:5 times

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