null lol
(Published on 9. August 2024, 00:24 by aqjhs)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Shade nine cells so there is exactly one shaded cell in each row, column and 3x3 box. Shaded cells cannot contain repeated digits. If D is a digit in a shaded cell the value of that shaded cell is -D. Values of non-shaded cells are the same as the digit they contain.
- The 3x3 boxes cut each blue region sum line into connected components with the same value sum. (That same sum may differ between different lines.)
- Values in cages must sum to the indicated total. Digits cannot repeat inside a cage.
Online in Sudokupad
Solution code: Row 8
Solved by SincereEngineer, Bjd, dennischen, gdc, Luaryo, LCJ1998, cornish-john, lmdemasi, SKORP17, cybers, Julianl, AtomicCaleb
on 10. August 2024, 21:34 by cybers
Really cool! Solves very smoothly once you wrap your head around it
on 9. August 2024, 06:51 by dennischen
What a cool idea! I thought this was fairly hard.