Rank Up: a series by ThePedallingPianist and bellal exploring the full rank constraint within 5x5 grids...
Sudoku: Within the main grid (inside the thick border), fill every cell with a digit from 1-5 such that digits do not repeat in a row or column.
Primes: Values in a cage may repeat and must sum to a prime number. Additionally, values in the large grey area may repeat and must sum to a prime number.
Arrows: Values on an arrow sum to the value in the arrow's circle.
Full Rank: A value in an external cell represents the rank of the number formed by reading the digits in that row or column from that direction, where (1) is the lowest such row or column and (20) is the highest.
N.B. If two ranks are tied, the value in both external cells is the lower of the two ranks being shared. For example, if the lowest four ranks are "12453", "13524", "13524" and "15432", the values in the relevant external cells would be (1), (2), (2) and (4) respectively.
Solution code: Row 1 (top) of the internal grid, left to right
Solved by marcmees, SKORP17, MonsieurTRISTE, hoopsie, AsgarArn, palpot, MadHypnofrog, rich_27, AKernel, ralphwaldo1, karlmortenlunna, lmdemasi, Nell Gwyn, meixia, Gnosis66, misko, wazdra, Default
on 10. October 2024, 11:47 by Default
A masterpiece!
on 10. August 2024, 14:11 by rich_27
This is one of my favourites in the series so far! Really elegant puzzle! Thanks!
on 9. August 2024, 19:53 by hoopsie
Wow. Loved the early deductions about the primes. Fantastic 5x5