Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 4. August 2024, 23:22 by sfushidahardy)

Thank you for getting it featured in Cracking the Cryptic!

My first non-sudoku puzzle! I hope you enjoy it.

  • Yin-Yang: shade some cells so that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected, all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected, and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded or unshaded.
  • In addition, place a digit (from 1 to 9) in every cell with an arrow. This digit is the total number of shaded cells in the indicated direction (including the cell itself, if it is shaded). No two shaded cells can contain the same digit, and no two unshaded cells can contain the same digit. (However, the same digit may occur once shaded and once unshaded.)
  • Cells without arrows do not contain digits.
Solve Poseidon on Penpa+.
Solve Poseidon on Sudokupad. (No answer-check.)

Solution code: For each row, give the length of the longest continuous stretch of shaded cells. (10 digits, no spaces.)

Last changed on on 18. August 2024, 09:30

Solved by KNT, someguy209, Wessel Strijkstra, MaizeGator, Hydalin, Piatato, lars, wooferzfg, Grothenlace, jkuo7, smckinley, Nylimb, Franjo, Findict, nordloc, MontyPython'sHolyAle, marcmees, trashghost, skoob, ... yttrio, KJ_for_science, Uhu, dhansik, redfoot, renmou3355529, uvo, Hark Vitrina, Madoka42, Beanie, Leilalu222, widjo, siliciousreese, Mark Sweep, michaal94, ademjaz, bulguline, scopples96
Full list


on 2. September 2024, 14:10 by Christounet
Cool idea !

on 22. August 2024, 10:01 by WvdWest
Nice puzzle. Not to hard but still challenging

on 18. August 2024, 09:30 by sfushidahardy
Added CtC link.

on 15. August 2024, 03:24 by Agent
Very cool!

on 8. August 2024, 20:41 by Phistomefel
Clever and neat puzzle! Thanks a lot, sfushidahardy!

on 5. August 2024, 16:23 by marcmees
Big grid with few clues. Very Nice. Thanks

on 5. August 2024, 12:35 by Franjo
And now, after solving this lovely puzzle, I also can understand the title… Thank you very much for creating and sharing this gem.

on 5. August 2024, 01:26 by wooferzfg
Fun and smooth, thanks

on 5. August 2024, 00:38 by Piatato

on 4. August 2024, 23:59 by Wessel Strijkstra
cute puz:)

on 4. August 2024, 23:40 by someguy209
Loved the deductions with the three clumped arrows, it was much more restricted then I was expecting!

Rating:96 %
Solved:112 times
Observed:3 times

Shading puzzle

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