Numbers to the left of a row or above a column represent the groups of consecutive black cells which are in that row or column. For example, a clue of "3" means the row or column has three consecutive black cells, and a clue of "3 1" means that the row or column has a group of three consecutive black cells followed by a single black cell, separated by at least one white cell.
A question mark (?) represents a group of consecutive black cells whose size is unknown (at least 1).
An asterisk (*) represents any number of unknown groups of black cells, including none at all.
Solution code: The sizes of the outer areas, starting at the top left in a clockwise direction. X for two-digit numbers. (Only the outer areas, which touch the outer border of the grid.)
on 17. October 2024, 17:29 by Christounet
Good fun ! Danke :)
on 14. September 2024, 10:07 by sandmoppe
Schön, dass du wieder Rätsel einstellst. Dieses ist zwar viel leichter als deine Roller-Coaster, von denen noch viel zu viele auf meiner To-Do-Liste stehen. Aber es hat dennoch Spass gemacht. Danke dafür.
on 14. August 2024, 04:03 by kamkam
Fun puzzle !
on 12. August 2024, 21:51 by Jesper
Sehr schön!
on 9. August 2024, 12:13 by Playmaker6174
Wow, a very fun and engaging puzzle throughout, I'm glad that I could get to solve another puzzle from you!
The difficulty got more consistent at couple of points for me but nothing felt unfair at all :)
on 5. August 2024, 14:58 by AnnaTh
Tolles Rätsel und an manchen Stellen ganz schön knifflig.
on 5. August 2024, 02:08 by Piatato
Fun puzzle, thanks!
on 4. August 2024, 15:49 by ONeill
on 4. August 2024, 12:40 by Niverio
Lovely! Very smooth and fun with a very consistent difficulty throughout!
on 4. August 2024, 03:36 by KNT
great! seeing your name in the list of new puzzles was a pleasant and very welcome surprise :-)