[Indistinct chatter] ... all black dots are given ... [Indistinct chatter]
Solution code: Row 3 (9 digits)
on 6. August 2024, 17:53 by Fizz
Fun idea, but I think the top left 4x4 was not necessary for the solve.
on 4. August 2024, 01:12 by Karitsu
Enjoyed the puzzle, but really feel I didn't gain anything by not having the rules explained. It was my first magic square puzzle - someone who comes into it familiar with the variant has a bit of an unfair advantage, I think.
on 3. August 2024, 19:38 by Nagesh
Sick puzzle
on 3. August 2024, 10:16 by JivkoJ
+ Puzzle tags give some hints.
on 3. August 2024, 08:29 by Fisherman
Yada yada yada. The title.
on 3. August 2024, 07:43 by Mozart40
I'm missing some kind of description. What's with the yellow squares?