Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

One Line to Rule Them All

(Published on 30. July 2024, 00:58 by yanggang)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Region Sum Line: Box borders divide the blue line into segments, each of which sum to the same value. If the line enters a box more than once, these are considered as separate segments. There is exactly one region sum line in the puzzle and it may not branch or intersect itself.

Fog of War: The grid is partially covered in fog. Placing correct digits will clear the fog from surrounding cells. No guessing is necessary.

Visibility Note: The line can be seen even if it only passes through the corner of a cell and not the center (for example, the line is visible in the bottom-left corner of R2C8 but not in the bottom-right or top-right).

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Solution code: Column 6

Last changed on on 30. July 2024, 19:44

Solved by SincereEngineer, sarabtx, The Bard, jalebc, by81996672, gdc, cybers, foggybrume, Elker, jkuo7, Floorball36, SeveNateNine, m0rkoli, ahmadasiabi, SPREVVIE, Chelo, Ryzen, Gammon88, OJPS, BlackWolf, ... galgamer, ficko, owler, richardkchapman, sayuri17, geswat, joelth, hackakat, Xerix, sandmoppe, MrJackQiao, Frutlop, Jodelbanane, redgecko, gadgetgreen, virus_dave, ezil6.4, asver, PippoForte
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on 30. August 2024, 16:19 by gadgetgreen
Hardest step for me was to determine that r7c3 couldn't be a 9... Was in a deep search rabbit hole. Still fun to solve!

on 30. July 2024, 15:04 by PhilipNyg
Quite difficult, but really fun to solve. Great setting :)

Last changed on 30. July 2024, 12:10

on 30. July 2024, 11:02 by x3y2z1
Is the line allowed to branch?
Reply: No, thanks for catching that.

on 30. July 2024, 06:14 by gdc
very nice use of fog. Felt quite challenging and rewarding throughout.

Rating:90 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:7 times

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