Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hide and seeking snakes

(Published on 29. July 2024, 08:36 by Visumation)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Draw three snakes in the grid. Snakes starts and ends on grey Even squares and or grey Odd circles. Snakes move orthogonally and cannot touch themselves, not even diagonally. Snakes do not cross or intersect.

All given digits MUST be consumed by snakes.

A digit in a white circle counts how many cells of the same snake color it can see horizontally.

A digit in a white square counts how many cells of the same snake color it can see vertically.

All counts are including itself. Other snakes block the view for these counts.

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive and exactly one digit on each white dot is on a snake.

Digits separated by a black dot are in a ratio 1:2 and MUST be intirely consumed by snakes.

Additionally: One snake is a German Whisper, one is a Region Sum and one is a Renban. To be determined by solver.

German Whisper: Neighbouring digits on a German Whisper line have a difference of at least 5.

Region Sum: Digits on a Region Sum line must sum to the same total N, in any box it enters.

Renban: Digits on a Renban line must be consecutive in any order.

Solve in Sudokupad

Solution code: Row 8 left to right

Solved by gdc, Piff, SKORP17, dogfarts, JustinTucker, jkuo7, vfig, TrapperLucas, OJPS, Counterfeitly, fredchen, PippoForte
Full list


on 2. September 2024, 01:06 by TrapperLucas
I thought this would be a closed case as soon as I figured out the snakes but man did the puzzle keep fighting back

Rating:88 %
Solved:12 times
Observed:9 times

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