Journey (6x6 Sudoku Pack)
(Published on 28. July 2024, 01:30 by Crusader175)
I had a lot of fun setting 6x6 sudoku lately. So here is a collection of puzzles featuring some uncommon sudoku variants (Plus Minus Lines, Slot Machine, Mathrax, Treasure Hunt, Point to Next, Hit the Target). Hope you enjoy the puzzles!
Sudoku: Place a digit from 1-6 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and region contains each digit exactly once.
Puzzle 1:
Linear Systems
Plus Minus Lines: Each cell with a green horizontal line contains the sum of the two neighbouring cells in its row. Each cell with a red vertical line contains the difference of the two neighbouring cells in its column. Example: R2C2 is the sums of R2C1 and R2C3 digits, and the difference between R1C2 and R3C2 digits.
Puzzle 2:
Six Reels
Slot Machine: Each column contains exactly the same sequence of six digits in the same order. The sequence can start at any point along it, and when it reaches the bottom, it wraps around again to the top.
XV Pairs: Digits separated by an X sum to 10. Digits separated by a V sum to 5.
Kropki Pairs: Digits separated by a white dot have a difference of 1. Digits separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio.
Parity Diamonds: Digits separated by a black diamond have the same parity (both even or both odd).
Not all Xs, Vs, dots, diamonds are necessarily given.
Puzzle 3:
Math Exercises
Mathrax: Some intersections are marked by a number and an operator (+, x, ÷) in a circle. The number is the result of the operation, applied to both pairs of diagonally opposite cells. Some result of the operation is not given and has to be determined as part of the puzzle. For clarification, 1.5 is one and a half.
Puzzle 4:
Lost Treasure
Treasure Hunt: A digit in a circle tells you how many of the (up to 8) adjacent cells contain digits strictly greater than itself (the "treasures"). Example: If a circle contains a 3, exactly 3 of the surrounding cells must contain digits that are higher than 3.
Diagonal: Digits along the indicated diagonals must not repeat.
Even: Digits in grey squares must be even.
Puzzle 5:
Direction Decider
Point to Next: If a digit N is placed in a cell containing an arrow, then the digit N+1 must be placed somewhere in the direction that the arrow points (not necessarily right next to the arrow).
Puzzle 6:
Target Acquired
Hit the Target: Starting at the 1 marked with an arrow, find a path that travels through the digits 1-6 in order. The 1 arrow points to a 2 somewhere in that direction (any distance away). When you reach the 2, turn 90 degrees clockwise; there will be a 3 somewhere in that direction (any distance away). Continue until you hit the target 6.
The path forms either entropic line or whispers line. The line type switch when the path turns.
Entropic Lines: Any set of three sequential cells along an entropic line must contain a low (1,2), middle (3,4), and high (5,6) digit. An entropic line of length 2 may not contain two digits from the same strata.
Whispers Lines: Adjacent digits along a whisper line must have a difference of at least 3.
Even: Digits in grey squares must be even.
My youtube channel on solving sudoku:
Crusader Puzzle
Solution code: Four corners R1C1-R1C6-R6C1-R6C6 from each puzzle (puzzles 1-6 in order, 24 digits)
Last changed on on 28. July 2024, 06:40
Solved by robokong, tuturitu, gdc, WatermeRen, mathpesto, Unknown, randall, SeveNateNine, GorgeousNicko, efnenu, marcmees, SKORP17, BirdyChirp, walid_tun, quantumZookeeper, 85392, Julianl, MaxSmartable, Marl, PippoForte
Last changed on 29. July 2024, 16:58on 28. July 2024, 17:33 by marcmees
nice & easy. thanks
Reply: Thank you marcmees!
Last changed on 29. July 2024, 16:57on 28. July 2024, 15:13 by GorgeousNicko
I really enjoyed all of these. I would assess each one of them as 1.5 to 2 stars' difficulty.
Reply: Thank you! Glad you to hear it was enjoyable!
Last changed on 29. July 2024, 16:57on 28. July 2024, 08:52 by randall
Beautiful collection of puzzles. "Target Acquired" in particular was a joy.
Hard to rate for difficulty - the pack contains a range between 1* and 4*
Reply: I think it average on 3*, but that just my subjective rating. Thank you randall!
on 28. July 2024, 06:40 by Crusader175
Reduced the solution code
Last changed on 28. July 2024, 06:25on 28. July 2024, 06:06 by mathpesto
Loved the wide range and originality of rulesets!
Reply: Thank you very much mathpesto! Glad you liked it. :)
Last changed on 28. July 2024, 06:25on 28. July 2024, 05:29 by gdc
36 digit solution code - what year is it?
very nice puzzles though with a lot of variety and clever steps.
Reply: Fair point, I will changed it. Thank you gdc!