Rank Up: a series by ThePedallingPianist and bellal exploring the full rank constraint within 5x5 grids...
Schrödinger Sudoku: Within the main grid (inside the thick border), fill every cell with one or two digits from 1-6 such that every digit appears exactly once in every row and column.
Even: A value in a grey square is even.
Modified Full Rank: A value in an external cell represents the rank of the number formed by reading the digits in that row or column from that direction, where (1) is the lowest such row or column and (20) is the highest. Where two digits share a cell, the lower of the two digits is read first for the purpose of forming the six-digit number in that row/column. For example, if a row is "123(45)6" left to right, then right to left it is read as "645321".
N.B. If two ranks are tied, the value in both external cells is the lower of the two ranks being shared. For example, if the lowest four ranks are "125463", "156324", "156324" and "164325", the values in the relevant external cells would be (1), (2), (2) and (4) respectively.
Solution code: Row 3 (middle) of the internal grid, left to right (where digits share a cell, write the lower digit first)
Last changed on on 26. July 2024, 16:27
Solved by gdc, walid_tun, marcmees, SKORP17, samuel1997, gfoot, SPring, lmdemasi, Nell Gwyn, vitaminz, AKernel, palpot, rich_27, AsgarArn, karlmortenlunna, ajc, The Book Wyrm, Default, wazdra, misko
on 10. September 2024, 14:45 by The Book Wyrm
Fun and complex puzzle. Lots of intricate deductions and understanding of how the s-cells affect things needed to solve this. Very enjoyable.
on 26. July 2024, 16:41 by marcmees
A lot of stuff to think about before all implications are understood. Thanks for this mindbender.
on 26. July 2024, 05:41 by walid_tun
A delight as usual
on 26. July 2024, 04:42 by gdc
oh wow. quite a mind-bending application of S-cells that took me a while to really internalize. But a beautiful construction.