World of Nonsense
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Solution code: Row 1
on 11. August 2024, 03:16 by waffles_the_dog
A fun puzzle and interesting constraint, I was pointed to it in response to an asking about a slightly different but related thermo variant. I found the solve path pretty nice, just a little hold up at the very end where it took me a silly amount of time to consider coloring the remaining pairs (I was stuck fixating on thermo rules long for quite a few minutes before I realized that they were all functionally complete and thought to color)
on 25. July 2024, 16:04 by Blashyrkh
Very good and thematic implementation of a creative idea!
on 25. July 2024, 12:07 by Myxo
on 25. July 2024, 07:43 by vitaminz
Much harder than 3* for me but I think I just didn’t get the intended sequence
on 25. July 2024, 04:57 by ProRock
better wording for a thermo rule
on 25. July 2024, 04:55 by ProRock
Digits on a thermometer strictly increase as they move away from the bulb, that's why 8-9-1 is not a valid sequence. Yes, 8<9 and 9 can become a 0 and suffice 0<1. But for the sequence to be strictly increasing 8<1 should also be true as 8 goes before 1.
The rule basically says that you can start any thermo with a 9 and the rest of it works just as normal thermo. For example, 9-1-5-7-9 is allowed.
on 25. July 2024, 04:24 by sfushidahardy
Vitaminz, i can answer this: any given 9 in the grid is either a “0” or a “9” but not both. (So it’s one or the other.)
on 25. July 2024, 03:49 by vitaminz
Can 9 act as both 9 and 0 on the same thermometer or is it one or the other (e.g. would a thermometer reading 891 be allowed)?
on 24. July 2024, 23:31 by sfushidahardy
An excellent execution of a really interesting idea! Loved it.