Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sorted Subway

(Published on 22. July 2024, 07:21 by KNT)

Draw a totally connected loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends.

Clues outside the grid indicate how many turns, straight lines, branches, or crosses occur in the row or column, irrespective of the line shape's rotation. If a row or column is clued, all nonzero clues are listed and are provided in ascending order. A question mark can be any positive integer.

A 7x7 example is provided:



Solution code: For each row besides the last, the number of lines leading down from that row

Last changed on on 22. July 2024, 07:53

Solved by wooferzfg, RJBlarmo, Niverio, Paletron, Luigi, ONeill, Christounet, ibag, the_cogito, r45, Jesper, Mark Sweep, Myxo, lupo, Mr_tn, AnnaTh, Agent, BloodbuzzCorio, Bellsita, abed hawila, tuturitu, ildiko, ClashCode, Alex, ffricke, polar, akamchinjir, ascension, pkp, misko, Piatato, wullemuus, Nick Smirnov, Statistica
Full list


on 15. November 2024, 07:06 by Piatato
Tough but very nice!

on 12. September 2024, 06:08 by polar
Cute pozl ;)

on 19. August 2024, 11:01 by Alex
Amazing puzzles (this comment is for the last 3 I solved).

on 3. August 2024, 08:24 by BloodbuzzCorio
KNT this was a very challenging but rewarding puzzle, with some wonderfully nuanced logic. Thanks!

on 30. July 2024, 19:27 by AnnaTh
Again such an incredible puzzle. Amazing how it works out. Thank you!

on 30. July 2024, 19:27 by AnnaTh
Again such an incredible puzzle. Amazing how it works out. Thank you!

on 27. July 2024, 19:37 by Myxo
Loved it!

on 24. July 2024, 11:37 by Mark Sweep
That solved surprisingly smoothly! Lovely idea

on 24. July 2024, 11:32 by Jesper
Cool ruleset and a great puzzle!

on 23. July 2024, 10:07 by ibag

on 22. July 2024, 22:13 by Christounet
OMG, finally !
I made so many counting mistakes here !! But it was fun and pleasant nonetheless. Thanks :)

on 22. July 2024, 17:52 by ONeill
That was fun :)

on 22. July 2024, 09:39 by Niverio
Some very unique logic for a U-Bahn puzzle in this one!

on 22. July 2024, 07:45 by RJBlarmo
Nice puzzle, very smooth!

on 22. July 2024, 07:24 by wooferzfg
Fun puzzle and cool ruleset!

Rating:100 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:2 times

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