Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Factoring in the Arrows

(Published on 15. July 2024, 01:21 by Elytron)

I was very happy about all the nice comments on my first 9x9 sudoku, so thank you very much!
In todays puzzle, the arrows have different rule set than usually. I hope you enjoy it and have fun! :)

Solve with SudokuPad.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • A digit in a circle is the smallest greater-than-one factor of the sum of the digits on the corresponding arrow.
  • Arrows may move orthogonally, diagonally, but do not split.
  • Digits may repeat on an arrow if allowed by other rules.
  • Cells separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive.
  • Not necessarily all dots are given.
  • The grid is partially covered with fog. Correctly placed digits will clear the fog around that cell. No guessing is required.

Solution code: Column 6 from top to bottom (9 digits).

Last changed on on 17. July 2024, 04:01

Solved by coolguy14, gdc, jalebc, Nylimb, jkuo7, Raistlen, sarabtx, SKORP17, maniacaljackal, cryptique, OldManJoe9, kublai, x3y2z1, walid_tun, PafPaf, MartinR, bansalsaab, Julianl, zhall12570, Gnubeutel, Nebuzaradan, Schneehuhn, soumyagupta0127, Rheax, PippoForte
Full list


on 13. September 2024, 13:24 by Nebuzaradan
Interesting arrow rule, and nicely implemented!

on 22. July 2024, 08:47 by zhall12570
This was quite hard for me. Great puzzle!

on 19. July 2024, 22:55 by bansalsaab
Very nice variation

on 17. July 2024, 04:01 by Elytron
Fixed Puzzle

on 17. July 2024, 02:13 by Elytron
Fixed spelling mistake

on 15. July 2024, 22:49 by Elytron
Removed wrong Kropki dot

Last changed on 15. July 2024, 22:51

on 15. July 2024, 22:16 by cryptique
Really like this Arrow type, thanks for setting !
I think there might be a mistake on the Sudokupad link it sent me to though (8 black kropki)

Thanks for the hint, I apparently forgot to remove that, I updated the link with a new version! :) -Elytron

Last changed on 15. July 2024, 22:46

on 15. July 2024, 16:59 by SKORP17
8 = 2*3 ???

Changed it! -Elytron

on 15. July 2024, 15:02 by Elytron
Fixed a mistake in the puzzle and changed the solution code

on 15. July 2024, 10:34 by Mozart40
Thanks @Nylimb, I'll give it a try.

on 15. July 2024, 09:19 by Nylimb
@Mozart40: It means that if you list the factors of the arrow sum, the number in the circle is the smallest factor other than 1. For example, if the arrow sum is 15, its factors are 1, 3, 5, and 15, so the circle would have a 3. In other words, the number in the circle is the smallest prime factor of the sum (since 1 is not prime).

Last changed on 15. July 2024, 14:05

on 15. July 2024, 09:14 by Nylimb
I'm afraid that there's an error in the puzzle: In the last arrow that I found, the number in the circle is not the *smallest* greater-than-one factor of the arrow sum.
Also, I was a bit unsure about the circle with no arrow attached. I assumed that it was intentional (so the sum is 0 and the digit in the circle is 2), and that led me to the solution.
Other than those issues, it's a very nice puzzle.

Thanks for pointing out the mistake, I changed it, so it should be correct now. The zero-arrow is intended :) -Elytron

on 15. July 2024, 09:07 by Mozart40
Sorry für asking stupid questions. I'm not a native English speaker, so I struggeling with the 2nd rule (...greater-than-one...). Please, can someone explain the meaning of this rule to me? Thx Kai

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Observed:6 times

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