Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mellow Mancala

(Published on 13. July 2024, 00:00 by heliopolix )

I set this one for a prompt to put a boardgame into sudoku. I tried many times to put the rules for Mancala in this one, but it was not very good. I ended up with this, which involves a lot of counting - carrying the counting spirit of Mancala with it.

This puzzle also introduces Inert Lines, which don't have rules of their own, but only exist to provide a line for several Lots to count along.

There is also a cosmetic-lite version of the puzzle that eschews the Mancala theme and doesn't include any of the cosmetic puzzle elements. The puzzle logic is identical in the cosmetic-lite version.


  • Sudoku: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • The large colored oval of the Mancala board and the tiny gray circles of the Mancala stones are purely cosmetic.
  • The lines that run the length of the board are straight and do not turn under the ovals.
  • Inert Lines: All lines in the grid do not have rules of their own.
  • Counting Circles: A digit in a circle counts how many times that digit appears in all circles. The two small ovals are treated as additional circles, and both digits in a small oval obey the counting rule.
  • Some shapes are painted yellow, pink, or teal.
  • Odd Lots: A digit in a yellow shape indicates how many odd digits appear along the attached line.
  • Parity Change Lots: A digit in a pink shape indicates the number of parity changes [i.e. from odd to even or vice versa] between adjacent digits along the attached line.
  • Modular Lots: A digit in a teal shape belongs to a modular group ([147], [258], or [369]). That digit indicates how many digits from that modular group appear along the attached line.

Streamers have permission to use this puzzle.

Play in SudokuPad (Full Cosmetics)

Play in SudokuPad (Cosmetic Lite)

Solution code: Row 5

Last changed on on 15. August 2024, 00:30

Solved by SKORP17, gdc, 99%Sneaky, walid_tun, karlmortenlunna, palpot, ThePedallingPianist, Klvsched, roflsalot, ralphwaldo1, ViKingPrime, Prof.Dori, Sewerin, PippoForte
Full list


on 14. September 2024, 21:30 by Prof.Dori
One of the best puzzles I solved, truly spectacular. It seems impossible at first, but every deduction is satisfying!

on 15. August 2024, 00:30 by heliopolix
Added missing text clarifying cosmetics and ovals in the Full Cosmetics version.

on 14. July 2024, 05:03 by walid_tun
The logic is really awesome

on 14. July 2024, 01:36 by heliopolix
Fixed typo in Modular Lots rule.

on 14. July 2024, 01:30 by 99%Sneaky
A mind-blowing menagerie of sudoku magic, magnificent!

Last changed on 13. July 2024, 03:20

on 13. July 2024, 03:18 by gdc
This puzzle was harder to break open than a nokia 3310. But once you're there the creative ways in which the different counting-clues interact was fantastic. Thanks for sharing this wonderful puzzle!

Rating:92 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:6 times

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