Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Scarlet Rendezvous

(Published on 11. July 2024, 13:11 by OnlyPawns)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits must not repeat on either of the diagonals.

Cages sum to the number in their top-left corner. If no number is present, they sum to between 8 and 12 inclusive. All cages sum to a different number.

Cells in a thermometer strictly increase in value from the bulb to the tip.

Along a lavender zipper line, any pair of digits that are the same distance from the center of the line sum to the same total.

The scarlet lines are German whispers lines, ie. adjacent digits must differ by at least 5.

Any cell where a thermometer touches a zipper and/or German whispers line is a rendezvous point. All rendezvous points contain a different digit.

There is no 3 in any of the corners of the grid.

Play on the CtC app or F-Puzzles

Solution code: The digits in box 4, read normally (ie. left to right, top to bottom), eg, "147258369".

Last changed on on 11. July 2024, 13:47

Solved by jalebc, halakani, silent492, Megalobrainiac, tgstar, wacfwaef, liushong, SKORP17, ComaVN, efnenu, walid_tun, Pleez, BlackWolf, PippoForte
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on 12. July 2024, 05:21 by Pleez
I normally stick to 2* puzzles but wanted to branch out an try something a bit more difficult, and was it worth it. Took me a bit to find some of the breakpoints but that's on me. Very fun puzzle.

on 12. July 2024, 01:38 by walid_tun
nice one

on 11. July 2024, 17:46 by wacfwaef
Nice puzzle with fun solve path. Rendezvous was new rule for me to solve and very nice touch to the puzzle.

on 11. July 2024, 13:47 by OnlyPawns
Changed difficulty from hard to average. The only reason I thought it was hard is because I'm bad at solving :)

Solved:14 times
Observed:9 times

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